STANDING Yoga Poses | Pose Directory | Helping Yoga Teachers Create Their Classes Mon, 10 Oct 2022 11:07:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chair Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:48:00 +0000 In Tadasana or Mountain pose, firmly root into the ground, finding equal weight on all corners of the feet. Inhale to bring the arms up overhead, moving the upper arm-bones up and back. Turn the palms to face each other, or place the palms in prayer. Exhale to bend the knees as though sitting in […]

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In Tadasana or Mountain pose, firmly root into the ground, finding equal weight on all corners of the feet. Inhale to bring the arms up overhead, moving the upper arm-bones up and back. Turn the palms to face each other, or place the palms in prayer. Exhale to bend the knees as though sitting in a chair. Track the knees over the toes and in line with the hips. Maintain a neutral spine by dropping the tailbone down and drawing the pubic bone towards the navel. Avoid both over arching or tucking the lumbar spine. The torso will be perpendicular to the thighs. Stay for 5 deep breaths. To come back to standing, inhale to straighten the legs and exhale to release the arms to the side of the body.

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Tree Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:41:39 +0000 Start by standing in Mountain Pose. Then, shift all of the body-weight onto the left foot and bend the right knee. With a bent knee begin to open the right hip to the right side of the body. Keeping the knee bent and hip open to the right, reach down with the right hand and […]

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  • Start by standing in Mountain Pose. Then, shift all of the body-weight onto the left foot and bend the right knee. With a bent knee begin to open the right hip to the right side of the body.
  • Keeping the knee bent and hip open to the right, reach down with the right hand and clasp the right ankle. Bring the right foot up with the right hand and, if possible, place the right foot along the left inner thigh. Toes are pointing down toward the floor. Firmly press the sole of the right foot against the left inner thigh and, at the same time, press the left inner thigh into the sole of the right foot.
  • While you are in Tree Pose, your tailbone drops toward the floor and your pubic bone lifts. Remember to keep your ears, shoulders, hips, left knee and ankle aligned. In order to maintain balance in tree, remember to breathe steadily and try gazing softly at a spot in the floor about 8 feet ahead of you that is not moving.
  • Arms can be inhaled straight up, placing the biceps next to your ears, hands can be on the hips, or hands can press together for Prayer Pose in front of the chest.
  • Try staying in Tree Pose for five complete breath cycles or for as long as your wish. To come out of Tree Pose, remove the foot from the thigh and slowly exhale the leg down until you are back in Mountain Pose.
  • Perform steps one through four on the opposite side.

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Upward Salute Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:37:35 +0000 Begin with the feet together and the hands along the sides in Mountain Pose. Inhale the arms up, placing the biceps next to the ears. Let the palms face each other overhead. Feel the shoulder blades travel down the spine as the heart lifts toward the sky. Take the gaze up to the thumbs

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Begin with the feet together and the hands along the sides in Mountain Pose. Inhale the arms up, placing the biceps next to the ears. Let the palms face each other overhead. Feel the shoulder blades travel down the spine as the heart lifts toward the sky. Take the gaze up to the thumbs

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Warrior I Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:22:38 +0000 Prepare for Warrior I by standing in Mountain Pose. From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back any amount and rotate the foot to a 50 to 70 degree angle. The toes of the right foot point to the front of the room. Align the heel of the right foot and the arch of the […]

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Prepare for Warrior I by standing in Mountain Pose. From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back any amount and rotate the foot to a 50 to 70 degree angle. The toes of the right foot point to the front of the room. Align the heel of the right foot and the arch of the back foot. Bend the front knee to a 90 degree angle directly over the front ankle. Both hip bones should be squared to the front of the mat. From here, inhale the arms up, placing the biceps next to the ears, palms facing one another(Palms can touch at the top, if desired).Shoulders stay down and away from the ears as the fingers extend up to the sky. Stay here for several breaths and then repeat these steps on the other side.

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Warrior II Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:20:18 +0000 From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back about 4 to 6 feet. (Note: The length you step back depends on your height.) Turn the left foot to a 30 to 50 degree angle. Align the heel of the front foot with the arch of the back foot. Bend the front knee to a 90 […]

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From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back about 4 to 6 feet. (Note: The length you step back depends on your height.) Turn the left foot to a 30 to 50 degree angle. Align the heel of the front foot with the arch of the back foot. Bend the front knee to a 90 degree angle so that the front thigh is parallel to the ground.

Planting the feet firmly in the ground, begin to open the torso, shoulders, and both hip bones toward the left side .

Next, with palms facing down, lift the arms to shoulder height. Arms should be parallel to the front leg. Let the coccyx travel down as the pubic bone lifts. Lift up through the rib cage.

Softly and slowly, take your gaze to the middle finger of the right hand.

To come out of Warrior II, exhale the arms down, turn the hip bones back to the front of the mat and step the back leg up to meet the front leg. End in Mountain Pose.

Repeat these steps on the other leg.

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Warrior III Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:07:22 +0000 Begin in Warrior I Pose, placing the hands on the hips. Shift all of the weight to the front foot and, hinging at the front hip, begin to drop the torso forward. Simultaneously, lift the back leg up. Continue hinging at the front hip, lowering the torso and raising the back leg until both the […]

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Begin in Warrior I Pose, placing the hands on the hips. Shift all of the weight to the front foot and, hinging at the front hip, begin to drop the torso forward. Simultaneously, lift the back leg up. Continue hinging at the front hip, lowering the torso and raising the back leg until both the torso and the back leg are parallel to the floor. The back foot can be pointed or flexed. Square the hip bones to the floor. Do not bend either knee, but do keep them “soft.” Extend the arms straight ahead, placing the biceps next to the ears. Stay in this pose for three or more breath cycles and then switch legs.

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Crescent Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:03:59 +0000 This pose can be approached from a number of different positions, for simplicity begin in a downward facing dog.  From Down Dog step the right foot up between the hands, stacking the knee joint directly over the ankle joint.  Begin to lower the left knee to the floor while simultaneously sliding it back to allow […]

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This pose can be approached from a number of different positions, for simplicity begin in a downward facing dog.  From Down Dog step the right foot up between the hands, stacking the knee joint directly over the ankle joint.  Begin to lower the left knee to the floor while simultaneously sliding it back to allow the hips to move forward and down.  Relax the top of the left foot onto the floor.  As the pelvis moves down the front of the left thigh will begin to stretch.

Lift the torso to an upright position and reach the arms up overhead bringing the palms together to touch.  Hold the posture for several breaths, and then release the hands back down to the floor on either side of the right foot.  Lift the back knee and tuck the toes under to step back to Downward Facing Dog.  Repeat on the opposite side.

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Half-Moon Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:03:08 +0000 Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Step the left leg back (1/2 a legs length). Bend the forward standing leg. Inhale as you bring your right hand 6-10 inches in front of the little toe (in tepee fingers). Take the left hand to the left hip. Exhale and press the fingertips into the floor. Extend the […]

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Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Step the left leg back (1/2 a legs length). Bend the forward standing leg. Inhale as you bring your right hand 6-10 inches in front of the little toe (in tepee fingers). Take the left hand to the left hip. Exhale and press the fingertips into the floor. Extend the crown of the head pointing away from you. Inhale and lift the back leg parallel or a little above to the floor. Roll the left shoulder back and press the heel of the standing foot into the floor. Gently straighten the standing leg and flex the foot (with toes pointing away from you). When you have balance, extend the left hand upwards with the palm facing away from you. Now turn the head and eye gaze towards the extended fingers. To come out of the pose, exhale and lower the raised leg to the mat. Return to the Mountain and repeat on the other side.

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Triangle Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 09:50:42 +0000 From Mountain (Tadasana pose) Step the left back into a wide stance. Turn the toes out to a 45 degree angle. Open the arms out to a T shape. Inhale and extend the right arm, reaching out through the finger tips. On the exhalation, bring the right hand to shin or to the outside of […]

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From Mountain (Tadasana pose) Step the left back into a wide stance. Turn the toes out to a 45 degree angle. Open the arms out to a T shape. Inhale and extend the right arm, reaching out through the finger tips. On the exhalation, bring the right hand to shin or to the outside of the foot. Inhale and roll the left shoulder back slightly as you extend the left hand upwards, palm facing away from you. Turn the head and gaze towards the out stretched fingers. To come out of the pose, inhale and lift back to a wide stance. Turn the torso and toes to centre. Then bring the right foot in to 45 degrees and rotate the torso towards the left leg. Bring the left foot to a 90 degree angle. Repeat on other side.

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Eagle Pose Tue, 19 Jan 2021 09:47:09 +0000 In Tadasana or Mountain pose, spread the toes and heels, rooting the feet into the ground.  The knees should be soft. Inhale and extend the arms straight in front of you and parallel to the ground.  Exhale and bend both knees.  Shift your weight and grounding into the left leg making the right leg light.  […]

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In Tadasana or Mountain pose, spread the toes and heels, rooting the feet into the ground.  The knees should be soft. Inhale and extend the arms straight in front of you and parallel to the ground.  Exhale and bend both knees.  Shift your weight and grounding into the left leg making the right leg light.  Inhale as you lift the right knee and wrap it around the standing leg.  Exhale and bend the knees.  The right thigh should be in front of the left and the top of the right foot should rest on the left calf.  Now, bring the left arm over the right and bend the elbows.  Wrap the left forearm around the right and bring the palms together in front of the nose. Balance in this position for five flowing breaths (inhaling and exhaling through the nose).  To come back to Tadasana, bend the left knee and bring the right toe down to the floor. Inhale and straighten the legs, exhale and release the arms down.  Repeat the other side.

Also, check out 5 tips for planning your yoga class around Eagle pose

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